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Friday, May 15, 2020

The Theory Of Classical Conditioning - 1419 Words

Classical conditioning was first observed and developed by a Russian physiologist, Ivan Pavlov who lived from (1927-1960). The concept of classical conditioning is widely considered to be the most fundamental form of learning. Even before Ivan Pavlov named the process of conditioning, his work was considered ahead of his time (Feeser, 2002, p. 24). In fact, Pavlov was presented the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Nero Medicine for his research on the digestion system of dogs (Feeser, 2002, p. 24). To further his digestion research, Pavlov devised a procedure for surgical procedure implanting a tube, called a fistula, into animals that were still living. This allowed Pavlov to collect digestive secretions, and measure them, such as those secreted in the stomach or the mouth (Feeser, 2002, p. 24). This was a monumental first, because up until Pavlov s advancements, almost everything that was known about physiological processes was revealed from studies involving acute (temporary or sacr ificed animals) as opposed to operatic preparations (long-term and in living animals). Pavlov was always interested mainly in the understanding of reflexive occurrences when food was placed into the mouth and as it passed through the other parts of the digestive system, including the stomach (Feeser, 2002, p. 27). For example, Professor Pavlov or one of his many personal assistants would put meat into the mouth of a dog or dogs and then measure the amount of saliva that passed through a salivaryShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning929 Words   |  4 PagesDiscussion 5 1. Define: Classical Conditioning is learning theory based on the assumption that the learning process occurs due to associations between an environmental stimulus and a natural occurring stimulus, as indicated in our textbook. This learning theory was developed by John Watson. He proposed that this theory is able to explain human behavior. Watson also assumed that our environment shapes our personality as a whole. His ideas were influenced by the findings of Ivan Pavlov, a RussianRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1129 Words   |  5 PagesIn this assignment I will be looking at the Behaviourist perspective with Ivan Pavlov’s (1902) theory about classical conditioning. I will be discussing how I have used human development and learning perspectives in my placement to support young people in their personal and social development with providing a case study about them. I will be writing about how the theory demonstrates effective youth and community work practice including the five pillars of youth work. Behaviourists look at behaviourRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1360 Words   |  6 PagesIs it possible to rouse fear from a stimulus that at first caused no such response? Classical conditioning is a type of learning where a response is produced from combining a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to produce an unconditioned response. Ivan Pavlov did a famous study, pairing the sound of a bell with food to produce salivation. After a while, just the sound alone would produce salivation. â€Å"Little Albert†, an infant that belonged to a wet nurse at the Harriet Lane HomeRead MoreTheory of Classical Conditioning1051 Words   |  4 PagesClassical Conditioning Introduction In psychology, there are number of theories and ideas which are used to influence the way someone reacts to particular events. In the case of classical conditioning, these ideas have been utilized to create short and long term transformations about how someone sees and reacts to the world around them. To fully understand how this is taking place requires examining these techniques and the way they are influencing behavior. This will be accomplished by studyingRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1202 Words   |  5 PagesIn this essay the ways in which classical conditioning principals have been used to treat problem behaviours in humans will be discussed. Firstly the findings of Ivan Pavlov’s research experiment on classical conditioning will be explained. Then a number of his basic principals that include extinction, spontaneous recovery, stimulus generalisation and acquisition will be explored. Finally, the use of behavioural therapy in treating problem behaviours, specifically in relation to systematic desensitisationRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1070 Words   |  5 Pages(1929) and Watson and Rayner (1920) contributed to the theory of classical conditioning. Classical conditioning argues behaviour is learned through the continued pairing of a stimulus that creates a response. This can be a fear response as identified by Watson and Rayner (1920) where a healthy eleven-month-old boy was conditioned to feel fear when he saw a fluffy white toy. This fear extended to any fluffy white object. Operant conditioning theory was developed through the findings of Skinner (1938)Read MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1222 Words   |  5 Pagesexperienced. Although Harlow has found this theory, Ivan Pavlov experimented with dogs and discovered classical conditioning. Classical conditioning can show how attitudes are formed and changed, how and when attitudes influence behavior, and how we change attitudes and behavior. Classical conditioning is basically learning through association, which induces involuntary or automatic responses to certain stimuli. A famous example is Pavlov’s dogs, before conditioning the dogs would salivate (UCR) when meatRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning994 Words   |  4 Pagestransfer persist, although with a certain loss in the intensity of the reaction, for a longer period than one month.† The data reported in this paper definitely supports this conclusion. The purpose of this experiment was to test the theory of classical conditioning as well as transfer (stimulus generalization); and to see if they would be able to successfully condition an emotional response of fear. When this experiment began, Little Albert was 11 months and 3 days old. Watson and Rayner exposedRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning Theory Essay712 Words   |  3 Pagesattachment theory is a psychological, an ethological and an evolutionary theory that is concerned with relationships between humans, specifically between mother and infant. An infant has to develop a relationship with at least one of their primary caregivers for them to develop socially and emotionally. This essay will look at evaluating the theories of Ivan Pavlov, John B Watson, Edward Thorndike, BF Skinner, John Bowlby (1958), and Mary Anisworth (1979) Two important learning theories of behavioristRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1824 Words   |  8 PagesClassical conditioning The first theory of learning is called classical conditioning and was developed by Ivan Pavlov a Russian physiologist. He started working with dogs to investigate their digestive system, they were ties to a harness and Pavlov added monitors to their stomachs and mouths to measure the rate of saliva produced. He found out that when a lab assistant came in to give the dog food before the dog tasting the food it started to produce saliva, saliva is a reflex response and Pavlov

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